Driving Ethics and Compliance to the center of decision-making

Aristotle and Plato shown in Rafael's The School of Athens.

Empowering E&C Leadership.

What do Aristotle's virtues—prudence, truthfulness, and justice -- have to do with modern governance? How can we bring moral philosophy and ethical values to the center of corporate decision-making?

At Boards of the Future, we work with corporate boards globally, advocating for more people with Ethics and Compliance backgrounds on corporate boards while supporting, connecting, and empowering E&C professionals on their board and leadership journey.

For Ethics & Compliance Executives

Considering a Board or Committee role but don't know where to start? At Boards of the Future, we inspire and equip E&C professionals to apply for and achieve board and leadership roles through advocacy, networking events, CV support, and board apprenticeship program.

For Board Members

Seeking to attract the best candidates to your board or committee? Open your board to Ethics and Compliance talent by joining the conversation, learning about the unique competencies E&C leaders bring, and boosting qualified interest in your vacancies.

For Companies

Interested in enhancing your corporate governance and investment appeal? Partner with Boards of the Future to increase representation of E&C leaders on corporate boards. Drive ethical business practices, strengthen governance oversight, and position your company as a leader in responsible business decision-making.

Join The Movement.

Interested in working together? Please email us using the contact form, and a member of the BotF will be in touch shortly. We can't wait to hear from you!