Aspasia Conversing with Socrates and Alcibiades by Nicolas-André Monsiau
Boards of the Future envisions a world where corporate governance is synonymous with ethical integrity and accountability. Our mission is to collaborate closely with corporate boards across various industries worldwide, ensuring that ethical considerations are at the forefront of boardroom discussions.
What We Do
Global Advocacy
We engage with corporate boards, industry leaders, development banks, investment firms, and regulators worldwide to highlight the critical value of ethics and compliance expertise in decision-making processes.
Educational Programs
Our workshops, salons, and webinars are designed to educate board members and executives on the advantages of integrating E&C professionals into their leadership teams.
Research and Collaboration
We partner with academic institutions, think tanks and other non-profits to conduct research on the impact of ethical governance, providing data-driven insights to bolster our advocacy efforts.
Community Building
We support, connect, and empower E&C professionals on their board and leadership journeys through advocacy, events, one-on-one exchanges, a mentoring program, a curated vacancy board, and CV support.
Investor Engagement
We collaborate with investors to establish the inclusion of ethics and compliance leaders on boards as a key investment criterion. We aim to incentivize investors to prioritize companies committed to ethical leadership.
Our Impact
To advance our mission of empowering Ethics and Compliance leaders to achieve board and committee roles, Boards of the Future is actively engaging in discussions on critical topics that influence E&C leadership development and career progression, enhance board ethical acumen, and address investor activism regarding the ethical responsibilities of corporate boards. Find out how we're making an impact.
IoD Code of Conduct for Directors
We took part in Public Consultation on the IoD Code of Conduct for Directors and submitted our feedback and suggestions for improvements.
Corporate Governance Awards
We were nominated for the Rising Star category at the annual Coporate Governance Awards by Governance Intelligence.
The Risk Coalition
We contributed to the Public Consultation on Principles-based guidance to enhance risk governance, oversight and reporting.